Sunday 21 April 2013

Tonight is Material

Material is the movie of the week in SA. It is premiering on M-Net at 8 pm tonight. This is the first time that an SA movie, besides a Leon Schuster film, is going to be the M-Net movie of the week on this prime Sunday night slot.

I am about to go to the garage to fill up my car and to get the Sunday Times. Riaad Moosa is on the front cover of the Sunday Times' magazine ... yeah, Material is on the box tonight. The tweeting this week around this has been great. Tonight is definitely material.

We are still chipping away on the UK and India fronts. Making progress, slowly but surely. The film was out in cinemas here in SA over a year ago, but the journey is still continuing.

Viva Material viva.

Posted by Ronnie Apteker