Thursday 12 November 2009

Plan of action

Everyone loves a good plan. A plan of action is always welcomed with enthusiasm when it looks exciting and doable. But, what makes a plan good, or, a good plan?

A perfect plan is all about timing - the time taken is what makes the plan a success or not! Meeting deadlines and expectations are key to the plan's success. That is what the plan is really all about in my view - yes, as the saying goes, timing is everything!

You can have this great plan and if you go nowhere with it then does it mean the plan stunk? I don’t think so - I think the person driving the plan may have sucked though.

I have always liked that phrase "a man with a plan" but if the man with the plan is not making sure that expectations are managed and that deadlines are met then this is ultimately a useless man.

Planning is about timing - otherwise we can have plans that never end. And this is where I plan to end this VLOG - I hope my point has been made. If not, then I didn't plan this one well.

Posted by Ronnie Apteker