Sunday 20 September 2009

Hi ho, hi ho - part II

So, I met this very sweet young guy last week. A friend of mine asked me to meet this youngster who was smart and full of energy. I liked meeting the young man - he was indeed an interesting guy, but once again, I was reminded of the new generation and their dysfunction. Now, I am not saying our young man was dysfunctional, and he certainly made a good impression, but when he spoke of the research he had just done, I was a bit weary.

Yes, when the youth of today speak of "leg work" and "research" you have do probe. Because, 9 times out of 10, it means they went on to Google.

Now I am a big Google fan, like everyone else, but when it comes to doing research this is just a pit stop. Real work, and real research, means rolling up your sleeves and getting your hands dirty. It doesn't mean clicking a mouse button.

My simple conclusion is that youth research = Internet research = dysfunction.

Of course, what do I know, I mean, I have never even downloaded a ring tone in my life and I have never been on Facebook - perhaps I am the one that is dysfunctional.

Posted by Ronnie Apteker


Anonymous said...

What a relief to realize I am also dysfunctional – proud of it, and not the only one out there!

Our cell phones are being used as alarm clocks, and we’d rather push up the phone bill then send a text message – but more importantly, we realize that there is a difference between reality and technology and the importance of maintaining a perfect balance between the two.

How good is technology actually if it make’s us loose sight of reality?

The cell phone has become the new (most annoying sociable acceptable drug) cigarette for not only today’s youth, but the population in general.

Progress is good, it’s just not healthy if there is no balance.

Also dysfunctional?