Thursday 12 March 2009

Working days

I said to my one friend, "Wow, it feels like you have been gone a long time." He was away on leave and it felt like forever. He answered me with "It has only been 5 days." And I was stumped. We laughed and argued and laughed and debated. I said "But you left 9 days ago." And he replied with "I was only counting the working days." And it hit me: what exactly are "working days"!?

What does this mean? And what is work? Seriously, if you were in a start-up, and if it were your business, and if you loved it, then what does work mean. It means you do what you love and you love what you do. I have been in start-up mode ever since Internet Solutions (IS) began. I generally never know what day of the week it is. Because what are "working days". Each day, weekends including, are an opportunity to push the envelope and to inspire people. Each day represents a chance to grow and to stretch. There are no set days for that, like Monday to Friday.

I think me and my friend here need to go for a drink and a think.

Posted by Ronnie Apteker