Sunday 2 November 2008

V is for victory, and for Vottle ...

Excuse the colourful headline but summer is here and we are high on life.

And yes, another month gone by and here is the news from Vottleland.

We are back in Sao Paulo for the next few days... the classifieds venture here ( is in good shape - check it out.

The main news from the Vottle side has been the implementation and rollout of our new banner serving software. To date we had only very simple software developed in-house, but our advertising requirements have grown and there has been a need to cater for various complex delivery options which appear to be commonplace in the world of online banner advertising. Our new open-source banner serving software lets us configure and manage our banner ads with a high level of flexibility to deliver ad campaigns that exactly meet a customer specific's requirements. This is a particularly cool rollout since this type of service is often very complex and usually outsourced to a third party.

Then there has been much focus this month on assisting with the development of our sister site Flii in Brazil. The rollout of phase two takes place now in this new month and this will introduce many new features. Everything is on track, content is increasing steadily together with page views, users, and even the sites ranking on Google. Although it has not yet been formally released to the public, the site is gaining more and more external users as Google search results increasingly direct users to the site. Richard van Cutmein has been in Brazil with the team for over two weeks (I just joined him today), the main purpose being to transfer knowledge and experience to the team, and assist with advice and development of more complex issues such as security and integration with systems specific to this deployment.

Posted by Ronnie Apteker